
Hygiene Ratings UK

Jewson Ltd

a retailer in Gainsborough, regulated by West Lindsey District Council

This is an archived entry. This business was not included in the most recent data from West Lindsey District Council.

Businesses are removed from the listings when they cease trading permanently, or if they change hands. A business at the same location under new ownership will have a new entry in the Food Hygiene Rating Service.

Approximate Location Map

Current Rating Exempt

Inspection Date N/A

Local Authority Business ID 133952

Business Type Retailers - other

Jewson Ltd
Miller Road
DN21 1QB

Map location is generated from establishment address. Locations may be imprecise, and should not be relied on.

Regulatory Authority West Lindsey District Council


Email [email protected]

If you would like a copy of the food safety officer's report for this business, you can request it from West Lindsey District Council. You can do that by email to the address above. Other contact information will be on the authority's website.

If you are the business owner or manager, you can find out more about the rating process, including how to appeal against the rating given and find out about your right to reply, on the Food Standards Agency Business Guide.

If you are a customer and would like to report any food problems, you can do that on the Food Standards Agency Report Centre.

If any information on this page is incorrect, please contact West Lindsey District Council. All the data on this website is taken from the official Food Hygiene Rating Service via their API. No modifications are made to the data before displaying it here. is a Good Stuff website.