
Hygiene Ratings UK

Birmingham B20 2NR
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Loodles Cupcakes
Birmingham B38 8HE
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Loot Burger
Birmingham B19 3QU
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Loppy's Lollies Ltd
Mobile caterer
Rated 5: Very Good

Lord Premier Foods
Birmingham B5 7EP
Rated 5: Very Good

Lordswood Boys School
Birmingham B17 8BJ
Rated 5: Very Good

Lordswood Girls School
Birmingham B17 8QB
Rated 5: Very Good

Loretta House
Birmingham B23 7NA
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Lorian House & Rivendell
Birmingham B23 6HX
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Lounge North Cafe
Birmingham B42 2SU
Rated 5: Very Good

Love 4 Desserts
Birmingham B6 7AD
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Love at First Cheesecake
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Love Desserts UK
Birmingham B31 3UB
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Love Hearts and Sprinkles
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Loyal Caledonian Corks
Birmingham B14 6DT
Rated 5: Very Good

Lozells Heath Ltd
Birmingham B19 2TR
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Lozza's Cookie Bars
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Lucky House
Birmingham B14 7NN
Rated 5: Very Good

Lucky JD and 6 Brands
Birmingham B6 4HL
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Lucton House
Birmingham B30 1HT
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Ludford Road Residential Care
Birmingham B32 3PQ
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Lulu Wild
Birmingham B1 2HL
Rated 5: Very Good

Lulu's Bakes
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Lulu's Precious Bouqcakes
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

LumberjAxe Food Company
Rated 5: Very Good

Luna Springs
Birmingham B9 4AG
Rated 5: Very Good

Lychee Garden Chinese Takeaway
Birmingham B16 8UZ
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Lyndon Kidzone
Birmingham B26 1LU
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Lynn's Delights
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Lyons Boatyard
Birmingham B14 4SP
Rated 5: Very Good

M & A News
Birmingham B7 5PG
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M & S Simply Food
Birmingham B9 5SS
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M A Retail
Birmingham B23 6SS
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M al revolutions Ltd
Birmingham B20 3BT
Rated 5: Very Good

M and RJ Taylor Catering
Mobile caterer
Rated 5: Very Good

M K Food & Wines
Birmingham B31 2QW
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M S Fruits
Birmingham B23 6RY
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M S Furniture And Carpets
Birmingham B25 8DT
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M S J News
Birmingham B26 3LS
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M S One Gourmet Ltd
Birmingham B10 0SW
Rated 5: Very Good

M Y News
Birmingham B30 3DN
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M&E Caribbean Catering
Birmingham B11 1DS
Rated 5: Very Good

M&M Catering
Birmingham B3 3BS
Rated 5: Very Good

M&M Halal Meat Centre
Birmingham B10 0UT
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

M&S Simply Food
Birmingham B2 4ND
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

M&S Simply Food - Unit 1
The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield B74 2UG
Retailers - supermarkets/hypermarkets
Rated 5: Very Good

M.G. Garages(t/a TEXACO)
Birmingham B9 5PA
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

MAB Catering Services
Sutton Coldfield B75 7RS
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Mackadown Chippy
Birmingham B33 0AP
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Mackadown Sports & Social Club
Birmingham B33 0JG
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Birmingham B17 9NJ
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Made with loaf
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Madeenah Pharmacy
Birmingham B10 0SW
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Madeleine House
Birmingham B33 8EJ
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Madhang Ltd T/A Select N Save
Birmingham B44 0QN
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Madina Kashif-Ul-Aloom Mosque
Birmingham B8 3BH
Rated 5: Very Good

Madina Mosque
Birmingham B8 1EH
Rated 5: Very Good

Magic Porridge Pot
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Magnolia Day Centre
Birmingham B12 0YL
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Mahal News
Birmingham B32 3TT
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Mahay Newsagents
Birmingham B21 8BS
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Mahfil Restaurant
Birmingham B38 8RU
Rated 5: Very Good

Mahli'S Super Booze
Birmingham B24 9RP
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Mahmood Food Store
Birmingham B8 3BS
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Main Retail And Warehouse
Birmingham B10 0XA
Retailers - supermarkets/hypermarkets
Rated 5: Very Good

Maison Mayci
Birmingham B13 8HS
Rated 5: Very Good

Majestic Wine
Sutton Coldfield B75 5BL
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Mak Halal
Birmingham B28 8AD
Rated 5: Very Good

Mak Halal
Birmingham B10 9SN
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Birmingham B8 1HZ
Rated 5: Very Good

Makkah Halal Meat & Poultry
Birmingham B8 3NU
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Makkah Halal Meat Centre
Birmingham B8 3NU
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Makki Masjid & Madrasa Mosque
Birmingham B21 9DU
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Mal Deals
Birmingham B8 3SL
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Malhi Meat Centre
Birmingham B21 9HA
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

B1 1
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Malmaison Birmingham
Birmingham B1 1RD
Hotel/bed & breakfast/guest house
Rated 5: Very Good

Mama Bear Childminding
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Mama Mia Pizza
Birmingham B29 6BQ
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Mamma P's Kitchen
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Birmingham B2 5BP
Rated 5: Very Good
Birmingham B5 6ND
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Mandarin Chef
Birmingham B23 6BA
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Mander Portman Woodward
Birmingham B15 3AU
Rated 5: Very Good

Maney Hill Primary Schoo
Sutton Coldfield B72 1JU
Rated 5: Very Good

Mange Tout
Birmingham B13 8DH
Rated 5: Very Good

Mango Lounge
Birmingham B42 2TP
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Mankind Welfare Trust
Birmingham B42 1SG
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Manna and Maple
Birmingham B36 8BW
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Manningford Community Lunches
Birmingham B14 5TJ
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Manningford House
Birmingham B14 5NU
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Manor Farm
Birmingham B35 7AF
Rated 5: Very Good

Manor Park Primary Academy
Birmingham B6 5UQ
Rated 5: Very Good

Manzils Restaurant
Birmingham B5 6DT
Rated 5: Very Good

Marian House
Birmingham B24 0BX
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Marian House Nursing Home
The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield B76 1JA
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Marie Liddy
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Maries Bar
Birmingham B19 3RD
Rated 5: Very Good

Marios Mediterranean Foods/Cafe
Birmingham B23 7SJ
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Birmingham B14 5EZ
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good is a Good Stuff website.