
Hygiene Ratings UK

Redbridge Borough Council



Fresh and frozen fish
Ilford IG1 4LZ
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Fresh as a Daisy Cafe
London E18 1EB
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Fresh Juice Junction Ltd
Ilford IG1 2LD
Mobile caterer
Rated 1: Major Improvement Necessary

Fried Chicken Pizza Hot
Ilford IG1 1NR
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Friends Cafe & Sweets
Ilford IG1 1TR
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Frimley House
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Frosted Delights
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Fruit lovers of king George
Ilford IG3 8YB
Mobile caterer
Rated 1: Major Improvement Necessary

Fruity Pearlz
Ilford IG1 1UF
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Full Foods Ltd
Ilford IG1 1TY
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Fullwell Parade News/Fullwell Avenue Post Office
Ilford IG5 0RF
Retailers - other

Fullwood Primary School
Ilford IG6 1ER
Rated 5: Very Good

Fusion burgers
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Fusion Exclusive Ltd
Ilford IG1 4BH
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Fusion Flavours by Tee
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

G & H Catering Ltd
Ilford IG1 2LX
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Ilford IG3 8RG
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Gable Court Nursing Home
Romford RM6 4AN
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Gail's Bakery
London E18 2LY
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Gail's Bakery Wanstead
Wanstead, London E11 2AE
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Gaks Wines
South Woodford, London E18 1QB
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Gallagher Market Fresh
Ilford IG1 2AG
Retailers - other
Rated 4: Good

Gandhi Express
Woodford Bridge, Woodford IG8 8AL
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Gandhi Tandoori
Woodford Bridge, Woodford IG8 8AL
Rated 5: Very Good

Ganesha Stores
Ilford IG2 7SU
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Ganily Healthy House Vegan cake
Other catering premises
Rated 4: Good

Gants Hill Cafe
Ilford IG2 6HE
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Gants Hill Fruit & Veg

Retailers - other
Awaiting Inspection

Gants Hill Halal
Ilford IG2 6UF
Retailers - other
Rated 1: Major Improvement Necessary

Gants Hill Kebab House
Ilford IG2 6HW
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Gants Hill Superfoods
Ilford IG2 6JX
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Gardeners Cottage Cafe
Ilford IG1 4XA
Rated 5: Very Good

GB Supermarket
Ilford IG1 4BL
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Gearies Junior School
Ilford IG2 6TU
Rated 5: Very Good

Geetham Late Night Food & Wine
Ilford IG1 4AA
Retailers - other
Rated 4: Good

Gelato Joy

Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 4: Good

Gemz Delightz
Ilford IG1 1UF
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

General Store
Ilford IG1 1XW
Retailers - other
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

George's Fish & Souvlaki Bar
London E18 1AY
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Georgetown Kitchen Ltd
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

German Doner Kebab
Ilford IG6 2DU
Rated 5: Very Good

German Doner Kebab
Ilford IG1 4NH
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

German Doner Kebab
Romford RM6 4AL
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

German pizza limited TA flavours of punjab
Ilford IG1 1LR
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Gerry’s Convenience Store
Ilford IG1 2LT
Retailers - other
Rated 4: Good

Gezi Park Restaurant
Wanstead, London E11 2AA
Rated 5: Very Good

Ghost Burgers
Ilford IG2 6UF
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Ghost’s kitchen
Ilford IG6 2AJ
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Gift Bits
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Gilbert Colvin Primary School
Ilford IG5 0TL
Rated 5: Very Good

Ginger Pig
Wanstead, London E11 2AG
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Gio Gio Fresh Pasta
Ilford IG1 1EQ
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

GK lounge
Ilford IG1 1XT
Rated 4: Good

Glace and Grind Cafe
Ilford IG3 8BZ
Awaiting Inspection

Glade Primary School
Ilford IG5 0PF
Rated 5: Very Good

Global Cafe

Rated 5: Very Good

Global Food & Wine
Wanstead, London E11 2PU
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Gnanam Food & Wine
Ilford IG2 7JD
Retailers - other
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Go Doughnuts Goodmayes
Ilford IG3 8TD
Retailers - other
Awaiting Inspection

Going Greek
Ilford IG1 2AG
Rated 5: Very Good

Gold Coffee Limited
Ilford IG2 6HW
Rated 4: Good

Golden Anchor
Ilford IG5 0EW
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Golden Care Living Limited
Caring Premises
Awaiting Inspection

Golden garlic risotto's
Other catering premises
Rated 4: Good

Good Vibes Coffee Shop

Awaiting Inspection

Goodmayes Bowling Club
Ilford IG3 9QY
Rated 5: Very Good

Goodmayes Fish & Chips
Ilford IG3 9UF
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 4: Good

Goodmayes food and wine store
Ilford IG3 9UN
Retailers - other
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Goodmayes Griller
Ilford IG3 9UB
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 4: Good

Goodmayes Grocery Store
Ilford IG3 8TG
Retailers - other
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Goodmayes Post Office
Ilford IG3 9SQ
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Goodmayes Primary School
Ilford IG3 9RW
Rated 5: Very Good

Goodmayes Supermarket
Ilford IG3 9UU
Retailers - other
Rated 4: Good

Gooey waffle
Ilford IG2 6HW
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Awaiting Inspection

Ilford IG1 2LD
Retailers - other
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Gourmet Bakers & Sweets
Ilford IG1 2RP
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Gourmet Buffet
Ilford IG1 4PG
Rated 1: Major Improvement Necessary

Gourmet Caterers
Other catering premises
Awaiting Inspection

Grand Wedding Cakes Ltd
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Grange Hill Methodist Church
Chigwell IG7 4HQ
Other catering premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Great Wall Chinese Takeaway
Ilford IG4 5NX
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Greedy Cow Boba & Juices
Ilford IG1 1NR
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Greek Boys
London E11 2RL
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Green Express
Ilford IG1 1XG
Retailers - other
Rated 3: Generally Satisfactory

Green Lane Pre-School Day Nursery
Ilford IG3 9LH
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Green Olive and Lemon
Chigwell IG7 4DN
Retailers - other
Rated 4: Good

Greengate SF Connect
Ilford IG2 7RH
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Buckhurst Hill IG8 0TL
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Greens Made Easy
Ilford IG1 1EQ
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Awaiting Inspection

Greenway Kindergarten
Woodford Green IG8 8AA
Caring Premises
Rated 5: Very Good

Greggs PLC
Ilford IG1 4NE
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 4: Good

Greggs the Bakers
London E18 1AY
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Greggs the Bakers
Ilford IG1 1LX
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Greggs the Bakers
Ilford IG1 2AF
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Greggs The Bakers
Chigwell IG7 4DJ
Retailers - other
Rated 5: Very Good

Greggs the Bakers
Ilford IG6 2AF
Retailers - other
Rated 4: Good

Greggs the Bakers
London E11 2AE
Retailers - other
Rated 4: Good

Grill and Thrill
Ilford IG2 6JX
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 5: Very Good

Grill House
Ilford IG1 2LA
Takeaway/sandwich shop
Rated 4: Good

Grilled Peri Peri
Ilford IG1 1QP
Rated 5: Very Good is a Good Stuff website.